Can vacuuming replace the need for carpet cleaning
Don’t Believe the Myths Attached to Carpet Cleaning! See for Yourself
By Nick Kollaja
Knowing what is true and what is not becomes very hard, once you start paying attention to the many myths concerning carpet cleaning. However, you simply cannot rely on broken or untrue information when it comes to the carpets in your home, as it’s an investment that adds value and style to where you live.
This is why, it is important for homeowners to review whatever tools or cleaning techniques they are using, as the wrong one can result in permanently damaging the carpet, often beyond repair. Professional carpet cleaning services are a good option for homeowners if they don’t want to take any kind of risks with their expensive investments.
Following are some commonplace myths about carpet cleaning which you should know about;
Regular vacuuming can be replaced by deep carpet cleaning
This isn’t true as both, deep cleaning and regular vacuuming are equally important components for a much cleaner and better looking carpet. Many homeowners even hire professional cleaning services for deep cleaning their carpets, once every other year, as well as doing regular vacuuming on the carpet to maintain it better.
In fact, cleaning experts themselves suggest that before hiring their services, homeowners should thoroughly vacuum the area.
Only clean the carpet when absolutely necessary
Most people think that carpet cleaning shouldn’t be done frequently as it ruins the original look of the carpet. This is absolutely untrue, as people now have the option of choosing from numerous carpet cleaners and solutions that are completely safe for any type of carpet.
Moreover, professional carpet cleaning services use only the mildest but most effective cleaning agents which are free from the harmful chemicals that may ruin your carpet. Another option is to use all natural and DIY homemade solutions which can do an equally good job as well.
High powered cleaners should be used only in rare cases
Use of powerful cleaners for regular carpet cleaning doesn’t damage the fabric of the carpet, nor does it loosen the fiber. They do exactly the opposite however, and that is to remove dust, dirt and other particles that can cause actual damage to the carpet.
Cleaning should only be done if stains are visible
The carpet still has to be cleaned at a frequent basis even if stains and spots aren’t visible because this prevents the carpet from becoming dirty. Another very important reason is that regular cleaning will remove dust, pet hair and pollen from the fibers of the carpet which can’t be seen and are the major causes of allergies in homeowners.
While regular cleaning is important, it is equally necessary to have your carpet professionally cleaned by a good cleaning service once every other year, which will help in maintaining the floor furnishing in a much better manner.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nick_Kollaja/1805246